2013年4月27日 星期六


由於這學期要教授Datamining課程,我遍尋簡單又好上手的教材,但無奈台灣使用RapidMiner的人實在太少了,對岸有一些參考資料,但多半是一些影片而不是完整的教材,倒是有搜尋到徵教Rapidminer的人,酬勞還不少呢!也許將來教材做好之後還可以拿來賣錢(旁白:想太多)。不過後來在RapidMiner官網上看到一絲希望,Dr. North針對Rapidminer寫了一本書,書名叫Datamining for the Masses,正合我意。Amazon有賣,但是無奈國內也沒有中文書,但好在內容真的是淺顯易懂啊,還附上資料檔,可以直接按步驟操作,有沒有那麼容易啊,不懂Datamining的演算法也可以跑出資料,這真是太神奇了!!



Dr. Matthew North is Associate Professor of Computing and Information Studies at Washington & Jefferson College in Washington, Pennsylvania, USA. He has taught data management and data mining for more than a decade, and previously worked in industry as a data miner, most recently at eBay.com. He continues to consult with various organizations on data mining projects as well. Dr. North holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Latin American History and Portuguese from Brigham Young University; a Master of Science in Business Information Systems from Utah State University; and a Doctorate in Technology Education from West Virginia University. He is the author of the book Life Lessons & Leadership (Agami Press, 2011), and numerous papers and articles on technology and pedagogy. His dissertation, on the topic of teaching models and learning styles in introductory data mining courses, earned him a New Faculty Fellows award from the Center for Advancement of Scholarship on Engineering Education (CASEE); and in 2010, he was awarded the Ben Bauman Award for Excellence by the International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS). He lives with his wife, Joanne, and their three daughters in southwestern Pennsylvania.

